Terms of use of Dashr® services

By registering on our website or app: https://dashr.app/home/en or by submitting information through our Communication Channel, you, as candidate (the “USER”) will agree to the terms and conditions set forth below, as well as our Privacy Policy. Please read our Terms of Use (“TERM”) carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us through the Communication Channel as mentioned in item VII below.


We offer a search engine for classified ads, application tracking system and other recruitment tools, for job seekers, recruiters and renowned companies looking for qualified professionals to join their team.

All materials, information, products, and services included in these services and sites are provided "AS IS" with no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied that the user will obtain a job position that meets your expectations.

If you do not agree with its terms, unfortunately, you should stop using the site and not register on the Dashr® platform. Anyway, we hope you choose to stay with us and emphasize that we are always open to dialog, with the aim of providing the best experience to our USERS!

This document, as well as the Privacy Policy, has the nature of an adhesion contract and is periodically revised, without prior notice. Therefore, it is important that you consult the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to know if you still agree with its terms before continuing with your navigation.

www.recrutando.com, www.dashr.app and www.dashboardhr.com are registered and operated by RECRUTANDO TALENTOS ONLINE LTDA. (RECRUTANDO.COM).


If you post content or submit material, you grant Dashr® (named as RECRUTANDO TALENTOS ONLINE LTDA.) a worldwideright and license to make use of the information submitted in our system to provide the best user experience, within the context of recruitment and selection of candidates, as well as for employee management of companies that use our platform and services. Almost everything we do is intended to bring together candidates and companies looking for professionals with the right profile to work together.

To that end, by using our services, you represent and warrant that:

  • [i] All content and materials you provide will be your original work product and will not be based on or derived from information or items owned by third parties. You agree not to impersonate any person or communicate under a false name or a name that you are not entitled or authorized to use.
  • [ii] You agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of the services or site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Dashr®, unless you have been specifically allowed to do so in a separate agreement with Dashr®.
  • [iii] You understand and agree that you autonomously download or otherwise obtain material or data through the use of this service or Website at your own discretion and risk. Therefore, this platform cannot be responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that may result from the download of such material or data.
  • [iv] You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the services or site.
  • [v] You agree that all use of this platform will be for lawful purposes.
  • [vi] You agree that it is your exclusive responsibility and burden to provide the computer equipment and Internet connection necessary to access the site. Dashr® is not responsible for the existence, functioning and quality of such equipment, systems and connections.

You agree that it is your exclusive responsibility and burden to provide the computer equipment and Internet connection necessary to access the site. Dashr® is not responsible for the existence, functioning and quality of such equipment, systems and connections.

For constant updating according to the legislative requirements and to always seek to better assist you, we may modify the services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice. So check back often to review these Terms of Service! In any case, if you have any questions, feel free to contact our representatives.

It is of prime importance that you know that no platform can guarantee the complete absence of imperfections and risks, but the platform will always do its best to ensure the high quality of its functionality and the updating of its services. If you believe in good faith that materials hosted by Dashr® (named as RECRUTANDO TALENTOS ONLINE LTDA.) – www.dashr.app infringe your copyright or any other right, you (or your agent) may send us a notice requesting that the material be removed, or access to it blocked.

The site may contain links to other sites on the Internet which are owned and operated by third party vendors and other third parties (the ‘External Sites’). You acknowledge that Dashr® (named as RECRUTANDO TALENTOS ONLINE LTDA.) – www.dashr.app is not responsible for the availability of, or the materials located on or through, any external sites. You should contact the site administrator or webmaster for those, if you have any concerns regarding such links or the materials located on such External Sites.


In order for the USER to apply for any job opportunity available or receive job alerts according to his/her profile, the USER must create an account on our Website or App, at which time the USER’s personal data will be collected. That is, we may collect personal data from natural persons if such information is sent and made available to us through our Website and App.

Important: under no circumstances is it allowed, recommended or encouraged to send any documents or personal data through our e-mail channels, whatsapp or any other not essentially directed to this purpose. Such information must be applied through our Website or App at the time of registration.

The USER´s personal data will be collected, stored, used and shared in accordance with our Privacy policy.

Unfortunately, if the USER does not agree to consent to this TERM or our Privacy Policy, the USER shall immediately discontinue the use of our services. Disagreement with this TERM and with the Privacy Policy will result in the impossibility to USERs to conclude the registration on our Website or App, and the termination of the provision of Dashr's® services, considering that all data collected have a specific and indispensable purpose for the use of our Website and for the availability of our services.

If the USER complies with this TERM and our Privacy Policy and chooses to register on our Website and App, the USER undertakes to provide only true information, which may be verified at any time by Dashr®, being the USER's entire responsibility to provide legal and correct information. Therefore, the USER also undertakes to inform us of any updates on the information provided.

In order to have access to our services, the USER must have legal capacity for civilian acts and must, necessarily, render the information required in the REGISTRY, assuming fully responsibility (including civil and criminal) for the accuracy and veracity of the information provided.

In case of availability of inaccurate or untrue information, as well as in the event of refusal to send additional information, Dashr® reserves itself in the right, at its sole and exclusive discretion, not to finalize the USER's registration or block the registration already made until the regularization of the information is performed by the USER.

Once the registration is successfully made, the USER will have access to our Website/App and the job opportunities made available through a login and password. Such access keys must be kept confidential by the user, being Dashr® not responsible for any improper sharing that may occasionally cause any damage or injury to the user.


Dashr® informs that all the interviews conducted through this platform will be recorded, therefore, the image and voice of the USER will be collected and stored in our system. All with the objective of fulfilling the platform's main goal: to interconnect qualified professionals with good opportunities in the professional market.

Therefore, by using this platform, the USER authorizes the use of his image and voice by Dashr® so that the recordings of professional interviews can be sent to renowned companies, with the objective of providing materials for selection processes and, thus, increase the chances of professional placement in a position that can bring the best match. It is assumed that this is the main functionality of the Dashr® platform, knowing that the USER will not be able to make full use of the platform if there is no permission to do so.

Eventually, Dashr®, based on the analysis of the professional's profile, may invite the USER to record a testimonial about his experience, for the purpose of disclosure in social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Website of Dashr® or other companies in the group, TiK Tok and other similar). In this case, upon invitation, the USER is reserved the right to accept or not the request.

Either way, in both cases, the use of image and voice referred in the previous item must be, obligatorily, related to the object mentioned in this document, being expressly forbidden the use of image and voice of the USER for object different from the determined one.

The present Assignment is granted free of charge, and the USER is not entitled to any benefit and/or profit resulting from this act.


At any time, the USER may cancel his/her registration or request the exclusion of his/her personal data from our database. In this case, the information you have shared with us will, as much as possible, be anonymized. Some of your personal data, however, may be kept in a protected form in our databases for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy, such as auditing.

DASHR reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to make new registrations or inactivate those already existing in the event that anomalies are detected or in the event of non-compliance with any one of the provisions provided herein.

Once this Term is terminated, upon request of the USER, the effects of the Assignment will be immediately interrupted, except for the Image and Voice that may have already been published in social media or sent to companies with the purpose of facilitating recruitment and selection processes (all as established in item IV).

After request of cancellation and exclusion by the USER, Dashr® will no longer act as a mediator of his/her professional placement, therefore, its functions fulfilled with this purpose will cease. In any case of deactivation, you are aware that your application for new jobs will not be possible, and it will be up to the company with which you are already part of selection processes to continue recruiting.


In order to improve our services, this TERM may be updated periodically or as needed for improvement.

Any updates will be notified to the USER. In such case, the USER will have to give a new consent to the updated TERM in order to continue accessing our Website, our App and other related platforms.

We hope you continue to use our services, but if you do not agree to our updated TERM and no longer wish to use our services, you may inactivate your account at any time.


Our site uses cookies and other similar technologies to store and manage your browsing preferences, enable content and collect data for analysis and site usage. The use of these technologies is common on websites and platforms in general, consisting of a small text file, placed on your device or browser, that allows your identification as a user and the device used, as well as to collect browsing information.

The cookies we use can perform different functions. Some are necessary and essential for browsing and using the features of the Dashr® platform. Others collect information about how you use the site and serve to improve performance and the browsing experience. Finally, functional cookies remember your choices and preferences, personalizing your experience on the site and in the App.

We use Google Analytics to collect data about traffic via the DoubleClick cookie in addition to data collected through the standard Google Analytics implementation (e.g., Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting).

Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings or Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

If you do not feel comfortable, we recommend that you disable cookies through your browser settings, by installing commercially available plug-ins, or by utilizing other technologies that you believe are necessary. Anyhow, it is not possible for Dashr® to be responsible for the entire reformulation of its platforms, then it is up to the USER to configure his electronic equipment according to his preferences.


We are always working to make sure that your experience in using our services is always the best possible. However, Dashr® does not guarantee that there will be no failures or that our Website or App will work without imperfections or interruptions. This may cause, as a result, the temporary suspension of access to your account.

In addition, Dashr® does not provide any guarantee of results and does not guarantee the hiring of USERs, but will certainly act to facilitate the best chances.

Due to the very nature of the Internet, there is a risk that malicious third parties will improperly access as information stored on our systems. If this occurs, we will be liable within the limits provided for in the applicable legislation in force. Dashr® liability regarding the services provided is limited to failures committed solely and exclusively by Dashr® and for damages caused as a result of these failures.


If you have any comments, questions, complaints, or suggestions please contact us. You may contact us by sending a message through the tab “Contact us”, in our Website or App.

Also, you must keep in your registration a valid e-mail for Dashr® to contact you if necessary.

It is already clear in this TERM hat communication through e-mail has effectiveness and legal validity.


The USER declares to have read and is fully aware of the rules, conditions and obligations set forth in this TERM.

This TERM and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between the USER and Dashr® regarding the services provided and it replaces any previous agreements.

The invalidity or ineffectiveness of any part of this TERM will not affect the TERM, which will remain valid and effective in relation to the rest of the TERM. Any changes or waivers in this TERM will have to be made in writing.

The USER hereby expressly declares that, under the terms of Article 46 of the Consumer Defense Code (Law nº 8.078/1990), he/she has had prior knowledge of this contract on the Dashr® App and Website, and has also had the opportunity to print it, and that he/she has evaluated, read, and agrees with all the provisions and clauses described herein.


These Terms of Use are in accordance with and shall be interpreted based on the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. To settle any doubts or matters related to them, the parties elect the Central Forum of the District of São Paulo (SP), to the exclusion of any other.

Dashr® will provide technical support for the full use of the site by you, at the times and in the ways standardized by the company itself, according to the rules disclosed on the site.